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Fertility treatment & Pregnancy after 40

Having a multiple birth is the single greatest health risk associated with assisted reproductive fertility treatment. Higher multiple maternity rates was linked to women turning to IVF to start a family, which is more likely to lead to twins or triplets because of more embryos being transferred. Availability of good fertility education and monitoring is must for women’s delaying their motherhood to late forties with the help of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Age and Female Infertility, Egg Supply and Embryo Transfer
Age and Female Infertility, Fertility treatment after 40

Fertility & IVF After Age 40, Older Women & Infertility – Rising number of twins and triplets among mothers in their 40 – Likelihood of having twins or more at the age of 40 – Your age and fertility – IVF Treatment for Older Women – Age and Female Infertility, Egg Supply and Embryo Transfer – Importance of age in Fertility Education and Monitoring – When It Comes to Fertility, Age does Matter – Successful IVF for older women with Indira IVF – Health risk associated with late pregnancy – Rising Number of Multiple Births to Mothers above 40 – Effect of ageing over the conception of pregnancy – Fertility treatments and the chance of having multiple pregnancies – Age and Female Infertility, Fertility treatment after 40

Assisted reproduction technology is a safe and effective way to build a family. Having a multiple birth (twins, triplets or more) is the single greatest health risk associated with assisted reproductive fertility treatment. Females are delaying their motherhood nowadays. The number of women giving birth after turning 40 has risen steadily in recent years, with multiple births most likely amongst the over-45s. As per the office of the National Statistics, the number of multiple births to women over 40 has risen sharply in the last 30 years. These change is because of the fact that more and more women are becoming carrier oriented, they want to be emotionally and financially strong, have not found their perfect partner or are facing treatments for cancer or ovarian failure.

The aging of the egg supply has a powerful effect on the chances that an assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure will result in pregnancy and a healthy baby. Women aged 40 or older may face problems in conceiving for the first time or after their previous delivery. Obvious reason is the quality of the egg and the number of eggs. As women gets older the number and quality of egg cells that are produced by the ovaries declines. As women wait longer to have children, more couples have fertility problems due to declining egg quality, and other issues that are more common in older women. Many couples end up needing advanced treatments such as IVF, in vitro fertilization to overcome this age related decline. Age related infertility and difficulty in conceiving can cause great emotional distress to couples.

Fertility & IVF After Age 40
Fertility treatments and the chance of having multiple pregnancies

In Vitro Fertilization treatment an option Available for Age Related Fertility Problems

IVF comes to the rescue of infertile couples facing age related problems. Many fertility doctors recommend that women over about the age of 38 that are infertile should have aggressive fertility treatments and proceed to in vitro fertilization sooner before fertility potential in her is lost. Older women often prefer to move on to IVF after a few IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)s have failed.

Age Limit for In Vitro Fertilization

All clinics have an upper age limit after which they will not do IVF with the woman’s own eggs. Most IVF centers will attempt IVF using the female partner’s eggs until about age 43-45. There is not a substantial decline in success by age of the recipient woman with donor egg IVF. Donor Egg IVF in women’s up to 48 years is successful.

When It Comes to Fertility, Age does Matter
Effect of ageing over the conception of pregnancy

In an IVf treatment embryos are transferred into the mother’s uterus for fertilisation for successful pregnancy to occur. Placement of multiple embryos carries the risk of multiple pregnancies. More than one embryo is transferred to get optimum result from ivf cycle. While in vitro fertilisation (IVF) can potentially help many women conceive, much like unassisted conception, it is far less successful as women gets older. The live birth rate for women under 35 undergoing IVF is 31%, but the success rate is less than 5% for women over 42. This is because the quality of the eggs harvested in assisted techniques such as IVF deteriorates with age. These techniques stimulate the release of more egg cells but cannot compensate for the effects of reproductive ageing on egg quality. That is the reason why more than one embryos are transferred for successful pregnancy.

Women are more likely to give birth to twins if they have fertility treatment. There is no substantial decline in success by age of the recipient woman with donor egg IVF. It is to be remembered that the age of the eggs is very important and the age of the uterus carrying the embryos is not important. Women delaying have children into their forties has seen a rise in the number of twins and triplets. Higher multiple maternity rates were linked to women turning to IVF to start a family, which is more likely to lead to twins or triplets because of more embryos being transferred.

Fertility treatment after 40
Rising Number of Multiple Births to Mothers above 40

Multiple Births Put Mothers at Risk

The single biggest risk of fertility treatment is multiple pregnancies. It increases the risk of stillbirth, neonatal death and disability in children born. Multiple births are hard on mothers. Women pregnant with multiple children are three to seven times more likely to have complications, such as anemia, hypertension, and gestational diabetes. They are also more likely to go into premature labour and to require a Caesarean section. After the babies are born, they are more likely to experience problems like high blood pressure, endometriosis, bleeding, infections and mental health problems (e.g. depression, social isolation) than mothers of singletons.

Women planning late pregnancy must take certain precautions and measures. These include an awareness of the risks of genetic disorders and the screening tests available, ensuring any medical conditions are managed and stable (for example, high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity) and ensuring that folic acid and vitamin supplements are taken around the time of conception. A woman’s health should be as optimal as possible prior to pregnancy, which means maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise, limiting alcohol and not smoking.

Effect of ageing over the conception of pregnancy
Successful IVF for older women with Indira IVF

On average, one in five IVF pregnancies are a multiple pregnancy compared to one in 80 for women who conceive naturally. With approximately 13,000 IVF babies being born each year this contributes significantly and disproportionately to the national multiple birth rates and presents a significant public health concern.

Women’s liberation brings many advantages to women. However, as women delay childbearing, society has not educated us about this fertility decline. The increase in twins has slowed over the past decade, possibly because fertility treatments have become more refined.

The objective of infertility treatment is the birth of a healthy child. In a small percentage of patients, especially in women’s with increased age of 40 or more, treatment results in multiple pregnancy that may place the mother and the babies at increased risk for an unhealthy outcome. Since multiple pregnancies and their complications are an inevitable risk of fertility therapies, education about these risks is crucial prior to ART treatment. Ultimately, prevention is the key to reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Your age and fertility - IVF Treatment for Older Women
Importance of age in Fertility Education and Monitoring

Assisted reproduction can only partly compensate for age and age-related decline in fertility, thus a good fertility education and monitoring program would facilitate the early referral of people seeking help to conceive to fertility specialists. Indira Infertility Clinic based in Udaipur and Pune has helped countless couples navigate the often complicated journey of infertility and ultimately realize their dream of parenthood. We provide a wide range of assisted reproduction services to help people build families, including drug treatments to induce or regulate ovulation, surgery to clear blocked tubes or remove fibroids from the uterus, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, technologies like egg retrieval that help people preserve their fertility and counseling for infertility treatment. The team of infertility specialist at Indira IVF including young talented and aspiring Gynaecologist, Sonologist, Embryologist and Clinical staff is highly trained in all aspects of Reproductive technology. Our team believes in providing fertility education to infertile couples before starting the treatment. We educate and inform all pregnant women and those planning pregnancy, regardless of age, about the treatment and pros and cons of delaying motherhood. Doctors at Indira IVf take care that patients receive optimal care and support and the appropriate medical attention required to meet any needs that arise from becoming a mother.

You can contact the team of IVF doctors for any help in conceiving with the help of assisted reproductive technology especially in vitro fertilisation (IVF) at http://www.indiraivf.com or at http://www.indiraivf.com/services2.html#ac

Fertility & IVF After Age 50 Older Women Pregnancy – Menopause conception

Our Services

Test Tube Baby

What is test tube baby? – Test tube baby procedure and test tube baby cost – Test tube baby process – what is the cost of test tube baby in india – First test tube baby clinic with closed working chambers IVF lab – Test Tube Baby Clinic, IVF Centre and IVF Specialist – IVF Treatment, test tube baby process, Test Tube Baby Procedure – Economical IVF at Indira Infertility Clinic Delhi Udaipur Pune – Best Test Tube Baby Centre in India, Best Ivf Clinic India – What is Test Tube Baby or IVF? Test Tube Baby Treatment, Success Rates and Risk involved with Ivf – IVF – Assisted Reproductive Technology for treatment of infertility – Test Tube Baby Centre – IUI ICSI Treatmnet – Test Tube Baby clinic India

Test tube baby is another name for IVF procedure, where sperm and eggs are collected, fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting healthy embryo is then transferred into the uterus. A test tube baby is the term that refers to a child that is conceived outside the woman’s body. The process is referred to as “in vitro” (outside the body) fertilization. Here eggs are removed from the mother’s ovary and incubated with sperm from the father. After fertilization, the “pre-embryos “are allowed to divide 2-4 times (in a “test tube”, hence the name) and then returned to the mother’s uterus where they can develop normally. Through these procedures, women with otherwise untreatable infertility problems have given birth to healthy babies. It is a method of assisted reproductive technology for treatment of infertility. With egg donation and IVF, women who are past their reproductive years or menopause can still become pregnant. Today, the process of in vitro fertilization is considered common and utilized by infertile couples around the world.

Today, thanks to the efforts of British Nobel Prize winners Dr. Patrick Steptoe and biologist Robert Edwards, who pioneered the procedure with the birth of first test tube baby Louis Brown, IVF is performed successfully around the world. Now, the procedure is so common that more than 5 million around the world have conceived babies through in vitro fertilization or IVF.

Test tube baby procedure and test tube baby cost
Test tube baby procedure and test tube baby cost

When is the option for Test tube baby recommended and to whom is IVF treatment recommended?

As we all know infertility is the failure on the part of the couple to conceive after 12 months of trying without the use of contraceptives. IVF is a complex procedure involving considerable personal and financial commitment, so other treatments are usually recommended first. It is advisable that before opting for ivf, infertile couple has tried less invasive treatment options including fertility drugs to increase production of eggs or intrauterine insemination — a procedure in which sperm are placed directly in your uterus near the time of ovulation. Occasionally, IVF is offered as a primary treatment for infertility in women over age 40. IVF can also be done if you have certain health conditions.

Ivf is usually recommended to infertile couples having blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, ovulation disorders, ovarian failure, the male partner has low sperm count, unexplained infertility or any other reason by which the fertilization which occurs in outer part of the fallopian tubes does not take place. Advanced reproductive age also plays a major role in deciding about ivf treatment. I.V.F. can also be the treatment of last resort in the case of problems like oligospermia, major cervical mucus hostility factors and certain cases of unexplained infertility.

Test tube baby process - what is the cost of test tube baby in india
First test tube baby clinic with closed working chambers IVF lab

What is the success rate of IVF?

The success rate of pregnancy associated with this treatment ranges between 15-30%. Therefore it is also not advisable to go in for IVF treatment without trying simpler treatment options first. IVF is a complex procedure involving considerable personal and financial commitment, so other treatments are usually recommended first. The success of the ivf treatment also depends on the age of women and the quality of the eggs. One of the reasons for the success is whether donor eggs are used or mothers eggs are used?

Although IVF has a high rate of success in helping couples to become pregnant, it has some disadvantages as well, including high costs, potential risks from fertility medications and invasive procedures used, as well as an increased rate of multiple gestation (i.e., twins or triplets). There may also be an increased risk of some pregnancy complications, such as preterm birth. Ectopic pregnancies can occur after IVF, although the risk is much lower than with other fertility therapies.

Women who are considering IVF should discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives with their healthcare provider and partner before treatment begins. In most cases, several cycles of a less expensive and less invasive infertility treatment are recommended before considering IVF.

Every year, millions of couples try to conceive a child; unfortunately, many find that they cannot. The process to find out how and why they have infertility issues can be long and arduous. Before the invention of test tube baby treatment or ivf treatment women’s with Fallopian tube blockages (approximately twenty percent of infertile women) had no hope of becoming pregnant.

A woman’s age must be considered. Older women feel additional pressure as they feel their biological clocks are ticking and time is running out. However, there is no upper age limit at which IVF should not be done, – and in fact, for older women, it might represent their only chance of success. It’s not really the age of the woman, which is the limiting factor – it’s the quality of her eggs.

Test Tube Baby Clinic, IVF Centre and IVF Specialist
Test Tube Baby Centre – IUI ICSI Treatmnet – Test Tube Baby clinic India

All couples who are facing infertility issues and who are thinking of pursuing ivf must consider following tips for higher results and success.

For Women

  1. No smoking or alcohol use as it can result in lower pregnancy rates and a greater risk of miscarriage.
  2. No more than two caffeinated beverages per day.
  3. Avoid change in diet or weight loss or fad diets during IVF cycle. A healthy well balanced diet works best.
  4. Refrain from intercourse three to four days prior to egg retrieval and following embryo replacement until pregnancy determination is made.
  5. Normal exercise may continue unless enlargement of your ovaries produces discomfort.
  6. Avoid hot tubs or saunas.

For Men

  1. Drugs, alcohol, and cigarette smoking should be avoided for three months prior to treatment and at all times during the ongoing IVF treatment cycle.
  2. Sitting in hot tubs and saunas is not recommended. Even a single episode in the hot tub can adversely affect sperm function. Refrain from this for at least three months prior to treatment.
  3. Abstain from intercourse for at least three days, but not more than seven days prior to collection of semen for egg collection and during treatment.
  4. Fever greater than 100.4o one to two months prior to IVF treatment may adversely affect sperm quality. Consult your doctor immediately.

You may adopt this lifestyle changes and live healthy life. Ivf treatment is costly affair and one should consider all efforts possible before seeking this treatment.

Facing infertility is one of the most stressful situations one may encounter, emotionally, physically and of course, financially. At Indira Infertility Clinic and Research Centre doctors are aware of it and hence they work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of the fertility treatment from diagnosis to end of IVF treatment – as predictable and comfortable as possible. The treatment offered is at very affordable price and economical. Indira IVF believes in Supporting Your Family Building Dreams with IVF. We provide state-of-the-art IVF treatment at affordable prices in a comfortable atmosphere. All the latest reproductive techniques including IUI, IVF, ICSI, Laser Assisted Hatching, Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm & Embryo Freezing, Donor Egg IVF and Embryo Adoption are available with us under one roof.

The team of fertility specialists includes talented and aspiring Gynecologist, Sonologist, Embryologist and Clinical staff who is highly trained in all aspects of Reproductive technology. They continuously work for the improvement of the IVF treatment program as per the need of their patients. The team at INDIRA IVF with their sincere effort, dedication and professional approach has been instrumental in achieving more than 2000 IVF pregnancies all across India in just 3 years. Our IVF success rates are high and we keep patients’ stress levels low. We believe that the best patient is a well informed one, and that you are the most important person in our IVF clinic.

You can visit the clinic or fix up an appointment with our infertility specialist at http://www.indiraivf.com  or can call them on 0294-2412063

Best Test Tube Baby Centre in India, Best Ivf Clinic India
What is Test Tube Baby or IVF? Test Tube Baby Treatment, Success Rates and Risk involved with Ivf.